
BMC — Business Model Configurator

Period: 10/2019 – 03/2021
Contact: Hans Lercher, CAMPUS 02 University of Applied Sciences
Cooperation Partner: Institute for Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) of RWTH Aachen University

Business model (BM) innovations serve to introduce new logics to companies. They show companies how they can generate value for their customers and themselves. The more a BM innovation differs from the established business model, the greater the transformation effort and risk involved since they

  • demand the development of new competences;
  • may render old resources obsolete; and
  • cause internal resistance to increase with their degree of radicality.

Not all business models are the same, however. There are 55 different BM patterns and each one has its advantages. It is easy to lose yourself in them like in a maze. With its business model configurator, CAMPUS 02 is able to help Styrian SMEs identify their own business model and to point out possible ways of developing new and desired versions of it.

Cooperative project with the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) at the RWTH Aachen University
