
Topic Development Projects

Projects in topic development focus on comparing best practices and analysing different overarching topics.

Currently, topics on supporting innovation processes in practice in an international consortium are being developed. The results include experiences from other countries and regions and are considered useful in topic development.

These results are processed accordingly, integrated in methodical projects and communicated to the industry.


3D Central: Knowledge-Transfer in the field of Smart Engineering and Rapid Prototyping

3DCENTRAL aims at connecting “islands of innovation” to a stable network of regions for innovation. It is focused on smart engineering and rapid prototyping where a substantial, current and future…

Competence Centre for Digital Development in Graz

Together with NOKIA and Citycom, the Degree Programme in Automation Technology at CAMPUS 02 is launching a competence centre for digital development in Graz. In the new laboratories in the…


IMPROVE! pursues the goal of strengthening the innovative power in the ATHU region for digitalization, to strengthen engineering and entrepreneurship of young SMEs and start-ups in a targeted manner. The…

PIA – Pictures of the Future for Agriculture

The central objective of PIA is to develop the necessary fields of competence for digital agriculture. With the innovation method “Picture of the Future”, an outlook for the future is…

BMC — Business Model Configurator

Business model (BM) innovations serve to introduce new logics to companies. They show companies how they can generate value for their customers and themselves. The more a BM innovation differs…


Identification of opinion leaders, enabler technologies and technology adoption paths of smart energy technologies METSET investigates 2 sociological questions regarding smart energy technologies (SET) as a solution component of the…

Non-financial reporting: Comparative overview of the implementation status of the EU Directive based on selected companies in Austria, Germany and Switzerland

In 2014, the EU member states have adopted a directive to expand the reporting of large, capital market-oriented companies, credit institutions, financial services institutions and insurance companies. This NFI (non-financial…
Student is writing on a whiteboard

Risk Management in middle-sized businesses

Middle-sized businesses are often considered the pillars of the Austrian industry due to their diversity, heterogeneity and flexibility. They are characterised by their innovations and are especially common types of…

Innovation and resilience among family-run global and European market leaders from Austria

The primary research objective of this study, which was commissioned by the Julius Raab Foundation, was to investigate why family-run global and European market leaders from Austria are so innovative.…