
Bologna Process and ECTS

© FH CAMPUS 02 / Foto Melbinger

Bologna Process

Key principles of the Bologna Process:

  • Introduction of a system of easily comprehensible and comparable university qualifications (diploma supplement):

Diploma supplements (awarded in German and English) are automatically presented to all CAMPUS 02 graduates free of charge at the same time as their graduation documents.

  • Introduction of a two-cycle degree programme system (Bachelor degree programmes and Master degree programmes):

CAMPUS 02 has fully implemented this.

  • Introduction of a performance point system in accordance with the ECTS model:

Proof of ECTS points is an obligatory component for the accreditation of all degree programmes.

  • Promotion of as much mobility as possible for students, lecturers, academics and administrative personnel::

A competitive industry requires an international outlook. That is why we encourage the international mobility of extra-occupational and full-time students alike, as well as the mobility of all CAMPUS 02 employees. Study trips, language trips and summer schools complete the offer available. For this purpose, we have established partnerships both with European universities and with companies and organisations across the globe.

  • Promotion of the European dimension in quality assurance:

Universities of applied sciences are obliged to implement a quality management system. The safeguarding and development of quality at CAMPUS 02 is based on the “European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance”.

June 1999:

31 Ministers from 29 states signed the Bologna Declaration with the aim of establishing a European higher education area by 2010.     

June 2000:

The first Bologna Day was held in Austria. 

May 2001:

Further procedures and key action points for implementation were set out in the Prague Communiqué. Croatia, Turkeyand Cyprus became members. 

September 2003:

The Berlin Communiqué detailed middle-term key points until 2005. Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the State of the Vatican City, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia joined the Bologna Process, thereby increasing the number of member states to 40.    

May 2005:

The Bergen Communiqué resulted from the third follow-up conference held in Norway. Five further participants were welcomed: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldavia and Ukraine.

May 2007:

A total of 46 Bologna Process member states. Key action points until 2009 were agreed on in the London Communiqué.  

April 2009:

The 6th Bologna Ministerial Conference takes place in Leuven und Louvain-la-Neuvet. In the Leuven-Communiqué the main emphases of the next ten years are agreed on: complete realisation of Bologna Goals, especially in the conceptual design of degree programmes, in the area of quality assurance, accreditation, employability and the relevance of degrees for the labour market, the strengthening of a social dimension as well as the field of lifelong learning and international cooperation.

[Source: www.en.bmwf.gv.at]


The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool for planning, describing and implementing degree programmes and university qualifications. It is a student-oriented system based on the transparency of learning processes and results. ECTS aims to make degree programmes and qualifications more transparent, whilst facilitating recognition, thereby encouraging national and international mobility and penetrability.

Bachelor and Master degree programmes

Degree programmes run by universities of applied sciences are generally aligned with degree programmes at a university Level, providing scientifically-sound vocational training.

The introduction of Bachelor degree programmes presents students in Austria for the first time with the opportunity to graduate from an academic degree programme within six semesters.

Master degree programmes at CAMPUS 02 are not merely extended Bachelor degree programmes. A clear differential concept separates the two cycles. Whilst Bachelor degree programmes aim to prepare students for the successful completion of technical functions and operational activities in the given field, master degree programmes are geared towards equipping students for the successful fulfilment of management tasks.

As such, all Master degree programmes at CAMPUS 02 are designed as extra-occupational courses for working professionals, since our philosophy is to not only teach the theory of leadership skills
