
Participation and Costs

The first 24 students that sign up after the invitation has been sent out by the offices of the departments can take part in the Dublin Experience.

The student’s contribution is approximately 900€. Actual costs depend on the duration of the Dublin Experience and the number of participants as well as the leisure activities selected This mobility program is supported by a separate scholarship (for detailed information please refer to the invitation to the Dublin Experience).


Frequently Asked Questions

By submitting the sign up form you are obliged to participate in the Dublin Experience. We always offer a travel insurance that covers the expenses in case of illness. If you cannot take part e.g. due to professional reasons, you are obliged to cover all costs that arise from sign-up to cancellation. Ideally, another student can take your place. This way, you only have to pay for the costs for rebooking.

If you have not used up your grant range (offered to all students, see the study grant guidelines), CAMPUS 02 automatically and non-bureaucratically deducts 300 € from the Dublin Experience’s final bill. You do not have to apply for using the study grant.

It depends on each of our degree programmes. Some degree programmes accept the Dublin Experience for accrediting course units. See the invitation to the trip sent out by all degree programme offices for more detailed information.
